Giggles and laughter resonated throughout the home as four (well behaved?) people played an exciting game...
Can you guess what game is was???
You're right! Dutch Blitz! A vonderful goot game...
Easy to learn -exciting to play
For two or three or four.
And this for sure is vone such game,
That ain't gonna be no bore.
(Dutch Blitz Co., 1973)
So any way, Daddy, TaliJoy, Grace and I decided to play this game together. Dad added special spice to our time together, for being a beginner, he caught on exceptionally fast!
The beginning of a game...
Well, at the end of the game, we all counted up our cards. In Dutch Blitz, everyone has a certain color and emblem to represent the cards they had played. As we counted all our cards up, the girls and I were left with comparatively few cards to Dad, who was trembling with laughter. Hmmm....something is fishy!
Then Daddy wanted to play with one person and impart his special technique to his children.
The game begins
Grace is prepared for anything...
Daddy, you're not putting your cards down in order!! That's not right!
Wait a're removing stacks that aren't finished yet. Daddy!
Well, I won! (giggle, giggle)
His displacement of the rules left us all in giggles and hysterics. Daddy won by card number, but used a new set of rules.
His method worked, and his goal was get a reaction out of his girls! But he paid us back with hard work...
His "punishment" was the breakfast dishes and he'll "never do it again"!
This one thing we've learned:
Psalm 133:1
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"