Sunday, April 28, 2013

Doe Ye Nexte Thynge

Posted by: Patience
Mother came back from the curriculum fair today with a lovely book entitled Christie’s Next Things from Queen Homeschool ( It is a treasure of a book. With an often more-than-busy high school schedule, I desire to fill my reading time with uplifting material-this book hit the spot! To summarize the first couple of chapters, the main character is a young lady named Christie Gilbert. With picturesque wordings, the author brings to life sapphire skies and budding bouquets of roses. Young Christie is found on a beautiful Sunday afternoon admiring roses and planning to bring them to her beloved Aunt Patience. This dear Auntie is not truly a relative of Christie’s, but is lovingly so-called by all who know her. Aunt Patience is an elderly, godly woman who exudes joy and peace to all who are around her. Christie’s loving plans to carry the roses to sweet Aunt Patience is carried out for the afternoon, Christie wonderful and wise of heart-to-heart conversation with her much admired mentor. I will not spoil the book for you, but from flipping through it, I can tell it is full of sagacious wisdom and advice, not to mention the opportunity to read and learn about and from the life of a godly young woman, blooming and budding to her full potential in Christ.
Well, the real reason I summarized the book was because I fell in love with a poem that Aunt Patience shares with Christie. Throughout the book (as far as I’ve readJ), Aunt Patience leads Christie past frivolous fun and into the prospect of a purpose-filled life. She encouraged Christie to “doe ye nexte thynge” from an ancient Saxon proverb. Just do the next thing! Christie found herself thinking into the future and wondering how her life could leave goodness to those she was around. As she put it as she conversed with her Aunt, “…I am not satisfied to just live for myself, though I don’t seem to do much else.” Dear reader, do the next thing. Live for the Lord in the light of His glory, using the beautiful gifts He has lovingly rained upon your life; and when you find yourself wondering what to do, be faithful in the little things, for the little things compile to create the magnificent beauty of life. Think, “what would the Lord have me do now?” or “how can I be a blessing and servant?” Do the next things, no matter how big or small, knowing that living in the light of eternity will make life full of joy. When we stand before the throne of God in heaven, all the things we have ever done, good and bad, will be known by all. I have been challenged to live in that light, another’s evaluation of me and the standards that I could try to meet in life can never compare to being know by God and the joy of living for Him and Him alone. So after all my babbling, let’s just remember to “Doe ye  Nexte Thynge”:

From an old English parsonage
Down by the sea,
There came in the twilight
A message to me.
Its quaint Saxon legend,
Deeply engraven,
Hath, as it seems to me,
Teachings from heaven;
And through the hours
The quiet words ring
Like a low inspiration:
“Do ye nexte thynge.”

Many a questioning,
Many a fear,
Many a doubt
Hath its quieting here.
Moment by moment,
Let down from heaven,
Time, opportunity,
Guidance, are given.
Fear not tomorrow,
Child of the King;
Trust them with Jesus:
“Do ye nexte thynge.”

Do it immediately,
Do it with prayer,
Do it reliantly,
Casting off care.
Do it with reverence,
Tracing His hand,
Who lays it before thee
With earnest command.
Stayed of Omnipotence
Safe ‘neath His wing,
Leave him the issue;
“Doe ye nexte thynge.”’
I pray with earnest hope that the readers of this poem will be inspired to trust their cares to Jesus, and simply do the next things in life. Jesus knows more than anyone the desires of your heart and the plans you are so prone to make. He will fulfill them, delight in his will and simply trust His strength in doing the 'nexte thynges'. 

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