Tuesday, July 23, 2013

We take so much for granted...

"Oh, what a happy soul am I,
Although I cannot see;
I am resolved that in this world,
Contented I will be.
How many blessings I enjoy,
That other people don't.
Weep and sigh because I'm blind?
I cannot, and I won't."
-Fanny Crosby

That poem was written by one of our great hymn writers when she was eight years old! Not only did this young girl become a great hymn writer, but she was also blind. Maybe her grateful spirit had something to do with how the Lord used her through her hymns. It was a grateful spirit that allowed her to take what God had given her, without grumbling, and ask God to use what He had given her. For where we are weak, God can become strong...

Flowers are such beautiful reminders God's blessings!
"Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits..." (Psalm 103:2)

This week, let's remember to thank God for the things He brings across our paths. Thanking God for the things that we perceive being good and what we preceive as bad is a wonderful (yet challenging) exercise. "Good and evil run on parallel tracks, and they usually arrive at about the same time" (David Gibbs). God is able to use the "bad" in our lives to bring forth good!! If there is no Red Sea, how is God supposed to get the glory?
...forget not His benefits, live today with thankfulness!

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